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All inquiries to: sales@cardinalpolicediecast.com
A set is one singular set of decals that is able to complete one model vehicle. A sheet is made up of multiple sets.
This answer varies due to model scale and design complexity. Obviously, we can fit many more sets of 1/64 decals than 1/24 decals. There is no rule of thumb either. For instance, say a 1/24 design has large striping and large roof numbers and graphics on all 4 sides of the vehicle. We may only be able to fit 2 sets per sheet compared to a less complex design that only have some wording on side doors, which we may be able to fit 4 or 5 sets per sheet. If you would like to know specificallly how many sets fit on a sheet before your order, please feel free to ask at sales@cardinalpolicediecast.com
No, we do not sell or distribute digital files of our decals or any of our other products. These files are how we continue to operate our business, our ‘secret recipes’, per se. There will be no exceptions. Images of our decals on our website are intentionally watermarked to prevent unauthorized usage or distribution.
In most cases on our website, you are just buying decals to customize your blank model. We do sometimes offer model building services. If you would like to inquire about having a model built, please contact sales@cardinalpolicediecast.com.
Our decals are not stickers, rather the finest and highest quality waterslide decals. This style of decal is applied by briefly soaking the decal backing paper in water to release the decal from the backing paper, then the decal can be ‘slid’ onto the model vehicle. Unlike stickers, your aim doesn’t have to be perfect. You can slide the decal into its perfect position, then dry it. For more detailed instructions on how to apply the decals yourself, check our Decal Application Instructions. Don’t be afraid though, we believe anyone can apply waterslide decals.